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Prichard Elementary School
School Hours:
School hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Students will be able to enter the building at 7:30 a.m. Kindergarten students will report to their classrooms and have breakfast in the classroom. First grade and second grade students will report to the cafeteria for breakfast.
All third grade, fourth grade, and fifth grade students who arrive before 7:55 a.m. will have the opportunity to eat breakfast. If they choose not to eat, they will report to their classrooms.
All grades will begin their academic day at 8:00 a.m.
School Day Interruption Policy:
Prichard Elementary wants to make sure that your child receives the best education possible and one way to do that is to limit the amount of interruptions to the classroom. You can help in the following ways:
* By making sure that your child knows ahead of time what they will be doing when school is dismissed (being a pick-up, what bus they are to ride, etc.)
*Knowing that no phone calls will be put through to the classroom.
Messages will be take by the office staff and delivered via email to the teacher.
*If you want to pick up homework for an absent student, please call and request it. It can be picked up in the office after 3:00 p.m.
*If your child is tardy, they will be taken to their room by office staff, if necessary. No parents will be going to the classrooms after the tardy bell rings at 8:10 a.m.
*Deliveries from parents (backpacks, homework, treats and snacks for classroom, etc.) will be taken to the classroom by office staff.
Thank you for your help in this matter!
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